Online Reputation Management
Let’s change the way the world sees you online.
Zoom out for a moment and take a look at how the world is changing culturally and technologically: how do you take care of your online image in a world full of spam, haters and competitors?
Here’s why your business needs Online Reputation Management
A common example could probably be the tweet or the status update you would’ve posted a year ago- every tool we use today like Facebook, Twitter etc. all record your online activity which is easily retrievable. Or maybe an old email too. Hackers can get a hold of anything to defame you. Outdated laws haven’t exactly kept up with technology either: the information you thought was private, most of it isn’t today. Accessing and manipulating data has become very easy, and a person with average skills but strong intent can sabotage a lot of things for you online.
The world is now more democratic than ever, and as such people have the right to say anything online without being harmed for most of the time. This could probably be your ex-employee with whom things went sour, a competitor or anyone who has an intent to trash your online image.
Hackers and outdated laws always come to haunt you. People like trashing the other person’s image out of a psychological disorder maybe, and sometimes your own past comes back to avenge.
How we help you maintain your online footprint
Good Karma helps all the time, period. Businesses undervalue the power of good and consistent content, which are essentially positive information you are trying to spread to people who might care about those topics. Trends show that people are requesting Google now more than ever to remove controversial and harmful links about themselves- and hence are very concerned about how they look online.
We use a lot of online tools to track and see how many times you or your brand are being mentioned.
Most of your online reputation is shaped by your interactions you have with your online community, and as a part of our strategy, we will help you participate in relevant forums and communities to help you become a thought leader in your domain.